Wednesday, January 6, 2010

To remodel or not to remodel when selling your home?

That is the question!

With latest news on the reversal of the housing industry (home sales and production were down last month) it is feared that we might not have hit the bottom of the downturn.

What does that mean for anyone trying to sell their home? Obviously that means that it just became even more difficult than it was just a few months ago when there was a sliver of light to a recovery. So that makes it even more important to think about making improvements to your home you are trying to sell so it stands out amongst the other homes on the market in your community.

Brian Heltzel
Putting On The Fix Remodeling
Burleson, TX
In a recent article by Yahoo, Ron Phipps, a real estate broker, had made the following comments:

"Clients are savvier than ever in their shopping. Even though the costs of home improvements are less likely to be returned on resale than they have been in prior years, sellers may still have to bite the bullet and do the remodeling if they want their house to sell at all", he said.

"It's kind of intriguing," said Phipps. "Buyers are using the unimproved houses to negotiate lower prices, but they wind up buying the remodeled homes."

"So, if there are two similar houses in the area, buyers will use the listing price of the one that has not gone through a metamorphosis to get the seller of the renovated house to slash their price. Buyers want to pay for the caterpillar but get the butterfly."

Seller must play along if they want to make deals. "You get to sell the house more quickly if you do the renovations," Phipps said.

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