Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Green homes sell for higher price, who would have thouth that?

This morning in my daily viewing of newspapers, I came across an article in USA Today titled "Green homes sell for more and faster than other homes." To most people, I would hope that this would come to them as common sense. I am all about promoting the Green living movement, but it just made me laugh to see an article from a national publication that was pointing out the obvious. Apparently, with the stagnation of the housing market, there is very little to write about it.

In the article it states that homes that are "green certified" were selling for 8.5% more per square foot and 22% faster than homes that were not "green certified". The advancements in green products for your home have vastly improved in recent years and have become more affordable to the average homeowner. However, your average homeowner is likely only to make small green improvements at once which typically will fall short of the strict guidelines needed to become "green certified" by the LEED standards.

But a home that does meet the standards set by LEED to become "green certified" should/will garner a higher selling price because it cost more to build or remodel the home to meet the standards set by LEED.

The one point that the article made that makes me happy is that the green homes are selling faster which means that there is more interest for people in making the change to greener living, despite a higher premium. Hopefully that trend will continue to upswing and the green housing products continue to improve and become more affordable so we can go onto living healthier lives while making a smaller carbon imprint with the way we live.

Here is the article

Brian Heltzel
Putting On The Fix Remodeling
Burleson, TX

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