Sunday, February 14, 2010

To follow the rules or to not follow the rules. Is there a question?

Are you a homeowner of home that was built prior to 1978? If so, there is an 80% chance that your home contains Lead Based Paint. Lead based paint presents health risks for you and your family. That is why the EPA has recently imposed a new law to make sure that your family's health is a priority when you are having it remodeled. You can view it in its entirety at the following link:

However, the question remains, will homeowners be more concerned about their family’s health or their budget. Sadly, many people are willing to cut corners so they can have the home they have pictured in the dollar range they have set. Many times overlooking the quality of products, quality of contractor, perceived added value to their property, and what should be most importantly being their health.

Many people when they hire a contractor, their deciding factor in choosing that contractor is the price. However, if you own a house built prior to 1978 it might be to your and your family's benefit to make sure that price includes a contractor who is certified to remodel your home properly so that your health is not affected.

Brian Heltzel
Putting On The Fix Remodeling
Burleson, TX

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